We welcome our community partners on our latest build:

Elizabeth City, NC

Small clicks can make a big difference:
Fill out our
Online Volunteer Interest Form
If you prefer, download Volunteer Form and mail!
Here are brief summaries of our various committees:
Want more information? Click the blue heading to send an email to the committee Chairperson!
Building and Construction:
Join the crew! They construct Habitat houses under the direction of a skilled professional builder. All trades and levels of competence welcome!
Church Relations:
You will help involve local Churches in financial, prayer, and volunteer participation.
Partner Family Selection and Support:
Family Selection is a vital part of our mission! You will assist the review of applications and contact potential Partner Families.
Family Support helps prepare the Partner Families for their new responsibilities as homeowners.
Site Selection:
You will work with other team members to identify and recommend properties for acquisition and development.
Our Edenton ReStore supports us. Spend the morning at our facility assisting customers and receiving items.